
didn’t work out the way i’d thought!

The craft fair at Byblos was mainly students so the cashmere wraps didn’t go down well…….infact – didn’t sell any! Had some people interested in looking and saying they are gorgeous but not willing to spend £39. Most of the stalls didn’t sell much and some like us didn’t even cover their cost of the stall…oh well it was for charity I guess….

Hopefully the one at the litehouse will be better apparently it is more of a mix of people who come….so here’s hoping … Any way at least i’ve got the stock already for it!

So that was our first craft fair!

colours,colors !

what should I do first? tan and golds?, more greys with subtle sparkles? purple with dark black purples ( purple is the new black they say!) I have to make as many scarves as I can!! Because each scarf is unique, its not a case of making another one of the same! It just can’t be done as we only have tiny amounts of each fabric which we are ‘up cycling’ into a luxury cashmere scarf. My brain is so full of different colourways to do that I’m finding it difficult to get started!

I’ve put samples of colour ranges in my shop for people to choose colourways from –

 I’m so ecxcited I’m just been told that more sample fabrics are coming from Paris for me to use on the scarves!!

more new scarves for the up and coming craft fairs!

New Scarves getting ready for the craft fair in Byblos Glasgow on the 25th of September!

Janice and I did a wee photo shoot yesterday for the application form for ‘made in the shade’ craft fair at the litehouse on 29th of October I hope we get in!

OOPS I’ve managed to put the same photo in twice!

I just love the grey/silver scarf and also the white one janice did!

She’s going to make some cards with the scrap bits”! I think they will look good!

got to go and pin some more! i’m so inspired by the scarves made already!

things to do on a sunday!

last sunday me and tootsie went to a farm called knowetop farm I think…thatas the right spelling…its in the middle of a housing estate in dumbarton. Its a charity community run and was brilliant for the kids

There were lots of animals in huge fields though they all came running to get food and loved being petted by the children

Its free entry, they have a cafe, a soft play area, shop to buy food for ducks,goats,pigs, a barn full of guinea pigs and bunnys. The shop is full of charity items and hand knitted clothes. It was great fun! We’ll be going back soon!

keep going!

at last managed to work out how to put those etsy buttons on here so people can go straight to my shops! Hooray! Feeling quite proud of myself as I really am quite a technophobe though I try hard not to be!

This week is rushing by already… I’m Teaching on wed and so far this week I’ve been dashing around and its only monday….sorting the wean out with all their classes! Hectic! Today i had to take part in jo jingles class pretending to enjoy dancing around with a feather so that the wean who was sitting in corner with arms crossed might join in!……….worked though!

Had quite a few invoices to do and to finalise craft fair stuff……….

speak soon

BRAND NEW shop on Etsy!


I’ve at last opened a new shop for the j’emmajo scarves and moved them there from my knitting shop byemmajo. This may seem a little strange to do that but I’ve had so many commissions for scarves recently that it seemed to be the right thing to do and not have them mixed up with knitting and other things. Actually I named the shop back in april but couldn’t decide whether to or not…

Today I’ve pinned out a gorgeously rich chocolate brown scarf with purples and blues will get a photograph soon…I also started doing some wee cotton bags but am not sure………….will photo them when I think they are right.

bizzare weather………….

today cutie pie happily skipped off to nursery, much to my relief…. so then I was able to scurry round and pick up Jai so we could sort out fabrics for scarves for some craft fairs we are doing in sept/ oct. It was very sunny so we sat in front garden and it was glorious” Then was time to pick up tootsie and take jai home so off we went and when we got to jai’s hoose it suddenly was thunder!!! and sheets of rain!

Yesterday I ordered lables for the scarves and cotton bags that I thought we could applique onto as well…very excited, am also going to order some blue scarves too…short one tonight as very tired..speak soon!


What have I been up too? since I last posted?

Come back from Loch Fyne and a great relaxing holiday…beat janice 9 times out of 11 at scrabble!

Have sorted out my teaching at Langside college

Have made two commissions (scarves) and finished off portrait commission.

Have been to cinema twice with tootsie, wallee (rubbish) and space monkeys(better if slightly)

Have decided to do 2 craft fairs if poss one at Byblos glasgow 27th sept and other at lighthouse 27th oct

Have also decided to embelish small cotton bags as well as cashmere scarves -brains a buzzing with all my thoughts whizzing around at a million miles an hour… have also been watching what I eat and have lost 7lbs this week! amazing really…..

Got tootsie her new gymshoes for her new class tomorrow and also nursery starts for her too in the afternoon

write soon once I’ve calmed doon a bit!