Have been working like mad on several tapestry portraits recently … this is the 1st of many to be completely finished.
Tag Archives: commission
What have I been up too? since I last posted?
Come back from Loch Fyne and a great relaxing holiday…beat janice 9 times out of 11 at scrabble!
Have sorted out my teaching at Langside college
Have made two commissions (scarves) and finished off portrait commission.
Have been to cinema twice with tootsie, wallee (rubbish) and space monkeys(better if slightly)
Have decided to do 2 craft fairs if poss one at Byblos glasgow 27th sept and other at lighthouse 27th oct
Have also decided to embelish small cotton bags as well as cashmere scarves -brains a buzzing with all my thoughts whizzing around at a million miles an hour… have also been watching what I eat and have lost 7lbs this week! amazing really…..
Got tootsie her new gymshoes for her new class tomorrow and also nursery starts for her too in the afternoon
write soon once I’ve calmed doon a bit!
2nd portrait of fiona finished!
At last i finished this commission! This has been my hardest tapestry yet I think! I am pretty happy with it! Though always as an artist I always feel I’d weave it a little differently now if I was to start again!
This tapestry is about 29 x 20 cm and is hand woven using linen and cotton.
Brand new today!
At last I’ve managed to make these purple scarves! Been talking about them for ages
two different scarves one more heathery and muted and the other slightly richer with some reds in there!I’ve been making these scarves to commission along with my tapestry portraits and I love the excuse to play with colour whether subtly or boldly…!