Tag Archives: handwoven

Just back from a wonderful week away at my most favorite place in the world – Loch Fyne..  It didn’t matter about the weather or the midges – we had a great time!

While we were there I did a little day trip to Loch Gilphead to meet another contemporary weaver Louise Oppenheimer whose work I have seen online on various sites. She has a studio set up at her home near Loch Gilphead.

I had never met Louise before – she was very gracious in letting us visit out with her open studio times and it was a delight to talk ‘tapestry’ with her.

Her Studio is a very light and airy extension to her house – and the walls are literally filled with sumptuos flow of colour…..

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Her wool and materials collection made me smile as its similar to mine and I often feel guilty for having so much – but I don’t now! It waqs great talking tapestry to Louise and its obvious she is very passionate about tapestry weaving – she is full of ideas and has many little pen line ideas  in her sketchbooks – her tapestries as well as colour are full of natural rythm and pattern which seduce you as you look at them.

You can see an article on Louise in Sept/Octs copy of ‘Landscape’ 539609_411155515655868_1035634642_n



hooray! New Studio!

At last after 7 years of waiting I’ve got a new studio ! Can’t wait to have most of my stuff out of the house and my loom saved from the garden!!

Not quite sure how I’m going to afford it but I’ll just have to chase those potential commissions! ( I have a few) tapestry portaits in the potential pipe line!

Any way I’d better get on…

 just desperate to tell you!